As part of the RESAOLAB network, Niger takes part in training, laboratory supervision, quality assurance and external quality assessment initiatives each year.
RESAOLAB initiatives in Niger as of January 2017
Niger faces considerable challenges in developing its healthcare system due to its size and security issues. The Mérieux Foundation and other partners, including the Department of International Cooperation of the Principality of Monaco, have been working with the Nigerian Ministry of Health to strengthen the country’s clinical laboratory system.
Developing the country’s laboratory management infrastructure marks an essential step towards local ownership of a true laboratory management system. New facilities have been constructed for this purpose: the Health Laboratories Directorate and an External Quality Assessment Unit were built in Niamey and a continuous training center was built in Zinder (southeast Niger). This facility, which decentralizes training and reduces travel for the technicians, is a welcome addition to the national healthcare personnel training center in Niamey at the Center for Medical and Health Research (CERMES). It includes a practical training room, classroom and multimedia room.
Niger is one of the countries that have received scholarships for the Bachelor in Applied Medical Biology (BAMS) course held in Mali.
Director of Laboratories of Niger