Coordination & Contact

Close cooperation with the national health ministries is one of the keys to the program’s success and helps ensure that the national project teams can gradually take responsibility for managing projects.


The RESAOLAB project is coordinated by the Mérieux Foundation (Lyon, France) under the leadership of the program director.

At the regional level, the Mérieux Foundation team in Senegal takes charge of the administrative and financial aspects of the project.

Experts from the Mérieux Foundation provide support to national project teams within each country to address specific needs: infrastructure, training, quality, antimicrobial resistance, etc.


National project teams oversee RESAOLAB activities.

The ministry of health in each country appoints a RESAOLAB focal point, often the head of the laboratory directorate.

To carry out activities, the national teams work with:

  • A project leader, in charge of implementing initiatives
  • A project officer, in charge of administrative and financial matters

National teams may also receive support from national, regional and international experts who provide additional know-how and insights.

Annual meetings

Annual meetings are organized twice a year with the 15 countries as well as RESAOLAB technical and financial partners. Workshops on laboratory policies and strategies to strengthen laboratory practices are held during annual meetings.

In addition to workshops, steering committees may be created to oversee specific projects. They include:

  • Ministries of health of represented countries
  • National laboratory network coordinators
  • National project leaders
  • National project officers
  • National and international experts
  • Technical and financial partners, including Mérieux Foundation and the West African Health Organization (WAHO)