If public health is to improve, then a system of biology labs offering quality services is a fundamental prerequisite. However, diagnostics is the field which has received the fewest multilateral subsidies and government investment in the last decades.

The West African Network of Biomedical Analysis Laboratories (RESAOLAB) is the first regional program in West Africa to provide a response to this public health concern.

Designed with West African healthcare stakeholders and the member countries’ ministries of health, it takes into consideration all factors affecting the laboratories’ governance and performance. RESAOLAB is incorporated within the framework of policies led by the regional and international health organizations.

Learn more about the member countries

Our objectives

Quality clinical diagnostics are a critical link in any health system, yet this is the field that has received the least amount of government aid in recent decades.

Our flagship program addresses the different factors that must converge for effective laboratory management and optimal performance based on:

laboratory services

by implementing a standardized system that ensures the quality of these services

human resources capacity

by providing initial and continuous training for lab personnel


by using a lab information management system to improve epidemiological surveillance

RESAOLAB in 3 phases : 2009 through 2023

Since the creation of the network in 2009, the objective of RESAOLAB has remained the same, to bring together West African countries around reinforcement of the quality of the clinical diagnostics, an essential step to improving public health and monitoring epidemics in this region.

RESAOLAB phase 1: 2009-2013

The RESAOLAB project was started by the Mérieux Foundation in 2009 with support from the Agence Française de Développement, on request of the ministries of Health of Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal.

RESAOLAB phase 2: 2013-2017

In 2013, four other West African countries joined the network: Benin, Guinea, Niger and Togo.

Learn more about phases 1 and 2 achievements

RESAOLAB phase 3 : 2019-2023

The project starts off its third phase in 2019 as part of a partnership between the Mérieux Foundation and the Agence française de Développement, in order to continue to reinforce laboratory systems.

The Foundation commits to pursue its efforts initiated during the first two phases, adding Publich Health major topics.

Learn more about phase 3