

Since Benin joined the RESAOLAB network in 2013, several initiatives to build capacity and improve access to clinical diagnostics have been organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

Key figures


continous training sessions


labs under supervision


laboratoires trained in the use of LabBook

RESAOLAB initiatives in Benin as of January 2017


Benin takes part in training, laboratory supervision, quality assurance and external quality assessment initiatives within the scope of the RESAOLAB program.

To date, nearly 40 continuous training sessions have been organized and 80 clinical laboratories in Benin are undergoing supervision. In line with the RESAOLAB objective to provide each country with laboratory management structure, work is underway for a National Laboratory Directorate to be built in 2018.

In addition, a biomedical maintenance training program has been set up within RESAOLAB, as part of a partnership between the École Polytechnique Abomey-Calavi in Benin and the Mérieux Foundation. RESAOLAB financed 9 scholarships for candidates from the network’s member countries.

Benin is also one of the countries where scholarships are provided for the Bachelor in Applied Medical Biology (BAMS) course held in Mali.


Prof. Yossounon Chabi

Benin Pharmaceutical Regulation Agency