

Senegal was one of the 3 founding members of the West African Network of Biomedical Analysis Laboratories. Each year, it participates in training, laboratory supervision, quality assurance and external quality assessment initiatives.

Key figures


training sessions organized


labs testing LabBook


scholarships attributed for a biology degree (DES)

RESAOLAB initiatives in Senegal as of January 2017


As a member of RESAOLAB since 2009, Senegal has created a National Laboratory Directorate and has renovated continuing training centers in Kaolack, Kolda and Saint Louis. In addition, RESAOLAB contributed to the construction of the National Public Health Laboratory (LNSP) in Thiès.

Both initial and continuing training for laboratory staff have been strengthened: 52 training sessions were organized and 25 scholarships attributed for the biology degree (DES). To improve the quality of laboratory services, more than 100 labs undergo supervision within the scope of a national quality plan, and 15 laboratories are currently implementing  the data management system LabBook.

Senegal is also one of the countries where scholarships are attributed for the Bachelor in Applied Medical Biology (BAMS) course held in Mali.

In partnership with the Mérieux Foundation and the NGO PATH, since July 2015 Senegal’s Laboratories Directorate has taken part in the I-LAB project to set up an automated system for the collection and reporting of epidemiological data from laboratories. Senegal was able to finance 25 students working to obtain the biology degree (DES).


Prof. Amadou Moctar Dieye

Head of Senegal Laboratories Directorate